Tuesday, 18 September 2012

Video Killed the Radio Star

Did it ever, I had last week off, a stay-cation if you will, and I listened to no music. Zip, ziltch, nadda.

First off let me say that I tend to be busier when I take time off. I cram so much into my days, that I inevitably don't get done those little chores that I always promise myself that I'll give attention to it when I take time off - yeah right. It's also tough when you know you will have to include a nap into your daily routine for the week. This gal has priorities.

So you can imagine how low on the list my music blog was. I apologise to the 5 or 6 people that actually read this thing.

I have a really great excuse for not investing time into music. The Hardy Boys and Nancy Drew Mysteries Season 2 showed up in the mail about a week prior, and well...........I needed to watch every episode. Plus there was a cavalcade of great guest stars; Linda Dano, Kasey Kasem, Kim Cattrall, Rick Springfield and Lorne Green - to name just a few.

I love late 70's and 80's detective shows. They had to rely on hunches and intuition to solve mysteries, plus can you imagine how tough it must have been to solve crime without a cell phone? I mean people can't even grocery shop now without phoning home to see it it was 2% or 1% milk they needed to pick up.

This is a slippery slope for yours truly. I think I will have to search out some more detective shows online. Maybe Barnaby Jones is online?

Anyways, I digress. I could talk about awesome TV all day.

I also saw a fantastic movie - Moonrise Kingdom. Wes Anderson is a genius. I highly recommend this movie.

Alright, enough for now - I better get back to work. Music reviews will be coming for the end of the week.


  1. There's nothing wrong with phoning home while grocery shopping, several times if need be. And I love that tv/movie cover, awesome!

  2. Netflix has The Rockford Files... & McMillan & Wife(!)... and McCloud(!!!) right now. Crazy good vintage I-just-saw-the-intro-&-now-I'm-getting-sent-to-bed action.

  3. Viva la old detective shows!! I think Netflix is in my future.
