I like the idea of having a title that is a lyric. I started this yesterday, now let's see how long I can last with this trend.
Like I mentioned yesterday, I have just gotten back from a mini vacation and am settling back into my work life. One of the perks of my job is that every other week we have an RDO (an extra day off) most people choose Fridays, I have decided on Mondays. With most people being gone on Friday, it has rapidly become one of my favorite days simply because I can play my music louder. As much as I dig my co-workers, it's also nice to have a relitively empty office to work in. I gravitate towards alone time anyways; so this suits me just fine.
On to this week in music reviews.
They Might Be Giants - No! In typical TMBG form, not every song is great, but there is enough to keep my interest. Now generally I don't listen to kids albums, but I figured I would make an exception when I know it's a group that doesn't pander to kids and treat little people like idiots.
Simply this is fun, upbeat music with clever lyrics. 24 tracks it's quite an outing, but the last 6 tracks are live and provides a glimpse into how kids react to the music and how this duo has evolved and can create music for kids and the kids at heart. Personal favorite is Lazyhead and Sleepybones (probably because it describes me perfectly). http://www.theymightbegiants.com/
Offspring - Days Go By. Sort of a mash up of genres that are likely band member favorites. Classic punk style with guitar riff driven songs with a dash of Reggae thrown in for good measure. Whether you dig the new influence or not, is irrelevant because at the heart is their "sound" there is no mistaking this is an Offspring album. There is not much surprising here, but after 20 years, that is sort of refreshing, especially when the talent is there. It sounds great, and I am sure will become a staple for many this summer. http://www.offspring.com/
Everclear - Invisible Stars. Like the Offspring, it's like time has stopped for Everclear. But, again I don't mind that they have not evolved past their sound, but that is a good thing. It suits them. The writing and music is strong and I appreciate that nothing sounds dated. Welcome back, it's been too long! http://www.everclearonline.com/home.html
Air Traffic Controller - Nordo. Wow, I totally dig this. It chugs along at a great pace and it's a lot of fun. Vocally they remind me of the Decemberists, which is a plus in my books, and each song has something to offer. I will be coming back to this over over and over. http://www.airtrafficcontrollermusic.com/
Beachwood Sparks - The Tarnished Gold. Very mellow, alt country-ish album. This group is new to me, but I think I will have to dig into their previous releases. I really liked this CD. It sort of reminded me of Elliot Smith vocals with a Blue Rodeo/Buffalo Springfield rhythm. This L.A. based band have embraced the whole "Laurel Canyon" sound without giving up who they are or sounding like a wanna-be group. This is another CD I will re-visit happily over the summer and beyond. It's great to focus on or to have as a background. It is appealing on so many levels. http://www.myspace.com/beachwoodsparks
I am still listening to music, trying to catch up, but this is where my post is ending. I have to get back to work.
Happy Canada Day long weekend!
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