And so it is. I love Halloween, I think it's even better than Christmas, and people give me stuff at Christmas. Now for a scary holiday to be my favourite is odd, because if you know me, you know I am a fraidy cat. Seriously wimpy when it comes to scary. I couldn't even get through the opening of American Horror Story. But that being said I have come to love a few classic horror movies (tame by today's standard) but you cannot deny the classics like Dracula, Frankenstein and gems like that but my two favourites are the cheesy classics; Halloween and Sleep Away Camp. Halloween, I love this movie, I still have my VHS copy, and I even have a Michael Myers doll that when you press his belly it plays the theme song - it rocks. I even like the franchise (or at least try to like the franchise). Sleep Away Camp, probably the most ridiculous thing but man, it was shocking to see when I first watched it. Plus it's camp in more ways than location.
There is something about the mystery of Halloween that I love, also people are generally happy. You're not dressing as a smurf because your angry and you hate going out. Your dressing up because it's fun, people will usually give you candy, and it's fun to see what crazy carving people can come up with on a pumpkin.
These two particularly ROCK:
I try each year and am getting better, but those are WAY out of my league
An definately no blog would be complete without some song mention, so here is Season of the Witch by Donovan.
Happy Halloween!